hey, i heard you like the wild ones!
Probably the highest peak of my stay here in Minnesota. I've got the opportunity to see a real hockey game with the worlds greatest players. It was such a great feeling, I have been to some of the games in Sweden, but i say, they dont stand a chanse to the NHL games, what a feeling, what a tension!! It was amazing, at one time i thought that the roof would pop out! Not only that, but i saw one of my relatives playing for the winning team. Very proud and some tears fell down! Im very emotional! Hahha Forgot to say that the game i watched was between minnesota wild and pheonix coyotes. And the coyotes won!
While i was in minneapolis i went to the MOA (Mall of America) of course!! i went to HM, gosh soooo much people! I found some cute stuff but there was no point in standing in line, cuz it was sooooo long!!! Ullared has nothing on this queue!
I also went to IKEA, very swedish that day! Haha, only for their meatballs :) SOOO good!
FroYoh's, only 100 cals in this cup of deliciousness :)
DALARNA; haha, i dont think i've ever been there, but man it made me proud! haha
OMG, finally some real food! Hahha, also knäckebröd! heaven!
Haha, this was placed outside IKEA, snoopy as a dalahäst/horse!
me and snoopy :)
me and the first wild team :)
have to go, going to miller hill mall :) love <3
update: Couldn't go to the mall, cuz it fucking easter... who celebrates easter here? back home we get trashed on easter. miss being trashed on easter. remembering lisa wandering around at grace. haha, that was fun!