Rack City Bitch, Rack Rack, City Bitch!

I got my phone back, no words can express my happiness right now. There will be no peeing on my phone, thats fer sure. Today i ate a lot of candy, thanks agian mom for sending me some happiness with my happiness. Do you get it? Hehe..
Today i officially have one more month left of school? It's sick.. The time has passed so fast, it just hit me right now. But that means it's only 40 days until i'll meet all of you (or at least most of you) again. I'm going to hug you till death. Just so you know.
I didn't really have anything to say, i just wanted to write. haha, that sounds poetic but its true.
I miss Kim on skype? where are you? when are you coming back to reality?
Ting, i'll skype you soon so you get your will.
Theresa, we need to talk.
Mike, are you getting drunk? Im worried you're not drinking enough.
IT, see you all real soon <3
Mam, Pap and Linnej- make sure she gets her driving licence soon. So she can come for some use.
Who else is reading my blog? i want to send you some notes from this blog but i never see your comments! Please comment below, (Oh, Linda commented once, i remember, yes i wore the see-through thingy and one guy came up to me and asked me if i had a wardrobe malfunction....)
Ellora, Hi! Do you like it when i write in english?
For the rest of you out there, i love you <3333
När jag och Linnea var inne i vår body balance period..Spyan jag la sen var sjuk.
Vilka muskelbyggare.
Har står vi och filofiserar eller vad det heter.
Classy Lisa...

Postat av: Kim

jag.älskar.den.låten!!!! jag tror du är min musiksoulmate!!!!! och baby jag är hemma nu :)

2012-04-11 @ 13:49:40
URL: http://kimmy-taz.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Linnea Videll Fisk

2012-04-11 @ 22:32:19
Postat av: Fredrik

Jag "läser" den också.. Men alla vet vem jag är redan sedan du la en sådan fin presentation av mig förut!

2012-04-12 @ 00:25:31


2012-04-12 @ 16:34:52
Postat av: Linda

Vilka muskler! Och angående bilden på Lisa... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

2012-04-18 @ 20:40:18
Postat av: ellora

so glad you started writing in english :p but then you started in swedish again...but that's okay :) as long as every now and then it's in english so i can keep tabs on ya :p love you!

btw...you can come back anytime now :/

2012-04-18 @ 21:04:25

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