turn the world upside down

Yesterday i read and later heard a thing that made me sad, not only for the moment but also for the rest of the day. When your friends have bad news, you dont really want to hear them, but its reality. Especially with a family who has been through a lot these past years. Lisa, my thoughts goes to you and your family <3.
Yesterday I had my day figured out, studdies. Later on my roommate practically forces me to go to the mall ;) I'm easily persuaded. But, yeah it was easter.....
Yesterday was a day when i really wanted to be home back in sweden, i just wanted to hang out with my friends. Not doing anything special, but just knowing that they are two feet away.
Talked to Ellora a long time yesterday and reflected.
(Payback Grant!)

Postat av: Anonym

haha that's funny...bad pic of both of us :)

2012-04-10 @ 02:31:20

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