Hey Everyone!
Every now and then i will write in english cuz it turns out i have some american readers! Okay only one, Ellora, but still. So Ida, they have google translate cuz i know you get worried about the english subtitles. But you can compare my text with a romantic comedy. So you probably wont need it. Okay and i also want you all to know that if i hear some complaints about my writing you are blocked, okay? Cuz i dont have spelling check.
Our theme for the dinner was "Mardie Gras", google it. What i know about it, which isn't much is that is from New Orleans. And basically, women show there boobs. So ida, i know we would have loved it (Elins graduation, remember?) And i also know that Elin would love it too, cause you get braces showing your boobs. You love bling. With some cocktails and some beers i would probably have shown my boobs to the fellas. As a dessert, but i wasn't drunk. I was sober as fuck. It was okay, im not used to it. But im getting kind of used to it know.
Tomorrow, it will be exactly one month until i can drink again. Thank God. Mommy needs her alcohol!
Here we have two swedes and a jew. Guess who is swedish and who is a jew? pretty easy huh?
Here you can see some excited men, ready for some food... yep everyone, the cock-battle has begun!!
Me and the french girl, we said we were doing funny faces. I see nothing funny with her face, i guess thats a funny face in france. You know, cuz they dont smile a lot *oh snap*
Here we have mr something, fredrik, hammed and megane! (now a relize, maybe she's just smiling, she is not the french girl i had in mind, thats fer sure!!)


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