hugs and kisses from minnesota!

Hello Bitches!
My night did not exactly turned out how i planned it, but its okay. I really needed to study tomorrow anyway, and no excuses like "im hungover" would have been accepted. Nothing new in my life more than that i only have less than two weeks of school left. Gosh, the time flew by.
Just wanted to say that im doing fine and that i miss you all back home. But for now on, im gonna enjoy the days i have left here. In little over 20 days i will be home!
Duluth, bring it!!!

Pictures From The last couple of days

I know what she Will make!!

Pig feet!! Foot fetish?

I have to update!!

AHH, my blog makes me wanna throw up all the time. I dont really have anything to say, but i felt like i have to have something else as my top submission. EWWWWW..
Wonder what she will make today?
Im just gonna post a bunch of pictures, taken by my friend Fredrik. More civil.
I only have one picture of my roommate? And its blurry, unfortunately she had emergency surgery cuz she couldn't feel her foot and then she had to go back home. She basically needed a nurse to do the everyday stuff for her, since she could barely move. Poor Tessa!! I miss you :)

Whats For dinner tonight?



OKej, snabb förklaring på vad en RA är: En RA (Residental Advisor), är studenterna som håller koll på oss som bor på campus. Ser till så att folk inte röker, super eller skriker. Det är hos dom man klagar hos om det är nått som inte stämmer.
Ikväll kommer två RA's knackande på min dörr, dom säger att dom vill ha en check-out tid med oss där dom går igenom våra lägenheter och ser till att inget har gått sönder.
Ska gå igenom konversationen,
RA Brent: Hey! We are here for the check outs, are all of your roomies home?
Erika: No, its just me. Can we do it later?
RA Brent: Yes, sure!
Erika: Good, cuz i need to hide my weed, my cat and my alcohol.
RA Rachel: ?
RA Brent: ?
Erika and the RA's: *awkward silance*
RA's: .....
Those RA's seriously have no sense of humor...

What have i been up to lately?

Yes! As mentioned earlier ive been very busy this week, with nothing special? But school, soccer and keeping myself on track! À funny picture is the one who says Mora! Never been to the city in Sweden but in USA i drove pass it :)


shit la upp mitt organiserade liv på ett papper, insåg att det är två veckor kvar till finals och såhär är upplägget:
1.) Paper due "The financial statement anaylsis" - Monday the 7th of may
2.) Exam 4 "Managerial Accounting"- Monday the 7th of may 12.00-13.55
3.) Exam 3 "The Legal Environment" - Monday the 7th of may 14.00-15.55
4.) Exam 4 "Productions, Operations and Management" - Monday the 7th of may 16.00-17.55
5.) Exam 4 "Corporate Finance" - Tuesday the 8th of may (tid, jag vet inte?!?!)
Helvete vilken mördar måndag.... Ahhh, jag vill dö nu. Men skönt att bli klar med finals redan den 8 maj ändå? Då har jag en vecka att hänga med Spring and the dogzz...
Jag ville bara uppdatera, sorry att jag inte har bloggat! men har varit busy? Plus att jag har lagt mig vid halv 12 varje dag på senaste tiden, innan la man sig vid 2 liksom...
kyss och dask!

Erika då.

Note to myself:
Innan du går ut i tisha, shorts, låga converse och solglasögon kolla vad det är för väder ute. Såg jävligt dum ut när jag går ut och förväntar mig att det ska vara vårvarmt i mitten av april. #skitväder#snö
jag bara: HMMMMM....

nu kan man bara hoppas!

Lets hear it for duluth!

Hej allihopa! Jag har precis vaknat till lite för att jag ska snart plugga. Huge minus here in Amerika.... Men men, igår körde jag till The cities :) huuuur underbart som helst! Shoppade loss inne på forever 21, hm och Urban outfitters.. Köpte en fin jacka på hm så får hoppas att ni hemma inte har en likadan ;) men det gör inget om ni har det:) jag har precis börjat hajja hur instagram funkar, kul!


MISS YOU. funny, how i didn't realize i had caps on until now... Haha. i only have 4 more weeks of classes. I'm getting really tierd and all i really wanna do at this point is to be done. Today i had a exam, did not study at all.. Did 69%... I guess is not a perfect score in america, but def passed in Sweden!
hehehe, prom! soooo drunk. 

Rack City Bitch, Rack Rack, City Bitch!

I got my phone back, no words can express my happiness right now. There will be no peeing on my phone, thats fer sure. Today i ate a lot of candy, thanks agian mom for sending me some happiness with my happiness. Do you get it? Hehe..
Today i officially have one more month left of school? It's sick.. The time has passed so fast, it just hit me right now. But that means it's only 40 days until i'll meet all of you (or at least most of you) again. I'm going to hug you till death. Just so you know.
I didn't really have anything to say, i just wanted to write. haha, that sounds poetic but its true.
I miss Kim on skype? where are you? when are you coming back to reality?
Ting, i'll skype you soon so you get your will.
Theresa, we need to talk.
Mike, are you getting drunk? Im worried you're not drinking enough.
IT, see you all real soon <3
Mam, Pap and Linnej- make sure she gets her driving licence soon. So she can come for some use.
Who else is reading my blog? i want to send you some notes from this blog but i never see your comments! Please comment below, (Oh, Linda commented once, i remember, yes i wore the see-through thingy and one guy came up to me and asked me if i had a wardrobe malfunction....)
Ellora, Hi! Do you like it when i write in english?
For the rest of you out there, i love you <3333
När jag och Linnea var inne i vår body balance period..Spyan jag la sen var sjuk.
Vilka muskelbyggare.
Har står vi och filofiserar eller vad det heter.
Classy Lisa...

turn the world upside down

Yesterday i read and later heard a thing that made me sad, not only for the moment but also for the rest of the day. When your friends have bad news, you dont really want to hear them, but its reality. Especially with a family who has been through a lot these past years. Lisa, my thoughts goes to you and your family <3.
Yesterday I had my day figured out, studdies. Later on my roommate practically forces me to go to the mall ;) I'm easily persuaded. But, yeah it was easter.....
Yesterday was a day when i really wanted to be home back in sweden, i just wanted to hang out with my friends. Not doing anything special, but just knowing that they are two feet away.
Talked to Ellora a long time yesterday and reflected.
(Payback Grant!)

hey, i heard you like the wild ones!

Probably the highest peak of my stay here in Minnesota. I've got the opportunity to see a real hockey game with the worlds greatest players. It was such a great feeling, I have been to some of the games in Sweden, but i say, they dont stand a chanse to the NHL games, what a feeling, what a tension!! It was amazing, at one time i thought that the roof would pop out! Not only that, but i saw one of my relatives playing for the winning team. Very proud and some tears fell down! Im very emotional! Hahha Forgot to say that the game i watched was between minnesota wild and pheonix coyotes. And the coyotes won!
While i was in minneapolis i went to the MOA (Mall of America) of course!! i went to HM, gosh soooo much people! I found some cute stuff but there was no point in standing in line, cuz it was sooooo long!!! Ullared has nothing on this queue!
I also went to IKEA, very swedish that day! Haha, only for their meatballs :) SOOO good!
FroYoh's, only 100 cals in this cup of deliciousness :)
DALARNA; haha, i dont think i've ever been there, but man it made me proud! haha
OMG, finally some real food! Hahha, also knäckebröd! heaven!
Haha, this was placed outside IKEA, snoopy as a dalahäst/horse!
me and snoopy :)
me and the first wild team :)
have to go, going to miller hill mall :) love <3
update: Couldn't go to the mall, cuz it fucking easter... who celebrates easter here? back home we get trashed on easter. miss being trashed on easter. remembering lisa wandering around at grace. haha, that was fun!

Fick min bekräftelse, Tack Sleez!

Ja, han liknade dempa! Vad skönt, nu har jag utrett det!! Välkommen hem(dit?) Schlees!
Annars då?!
Inget speciellt, har börjat på en sak som förhoppningsvis kommer ge resultat.
Kim är påväg till T nu! Avis!!! Jag vill också till Surfers :(:( Gold Coast, här är det kankse Brons Coast..
Jag orkar inte skriva mer, ta så mycket på krafterna!!!puss från minnesota

DAGEN OUTFIT, do you like my trashed jeans??

Sjöng precis till Tessa (som har ont i ryggen) :"if you're having girl problems i feel bad for you son, i've got 99 problems but your back aint one"
Hon skrattade, det var fan inte igår. Hon måste fixa ryggen, jag klarar inte av hennes butterness. Iallafall, var på fEzt i lördags. Jag njöt över att se andra människor kagstanda (fan man måste bli lyft, och sen dricka ut slangen i 20 sekunder!!), spelade beer-pong och asshole!! Sjukt trevlig kväll, men jag vågar inte supa längre? Enda sen min snefylla/karatefylla har jag varit orolig.. PLus att killarna här har ingen förståelse, så som kim, ting, theresa, mike, ida, elin, lisa, hanna, linnea, linda och alla andra har!!!!!!! Dom uppskattar min fylla!!! (inte elin emmabodafestivalen 2011)-hehe
rule #4 "girls blow, guys finger"
Mr Asshole!!!
Swedish boys!!
Är det bara jag som tycker detta liknar, Dennis, Lisas ex ex ex???? Håll med!!! Kan någon ge mig bekräftelse? Gärna lisa!!

Jag "rättade" till mitt ansikte lite, markerad haka och mindre näsa. Billigt i USA.

Ja, som bilden visa så la jag mig under kniven. Känner mig redan 10 år yngre nu ska bara brösten få sig ett lyft!!

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